Monday 11 August 2008

Tam o' Shanter - Crochet

Another gift for my ex-boyfriend, wasn't he lucky! Here's it's worn by me... Hideous!

*Ahem* Problem is, I don't have a clue how I made this. I just made it up as a went along, and if it was going a funny shape I'd just undo it and start again. That's the beauty of crochet as opposed to knitting, because you can't just undo a bit of knitting up to a certain point before it went wrong, it doesn't work that way! Because you're never having to hold stitches when you crochet, it's already binding itself off as you're making it, you can create and correct to your heart's content! However, you do not get the variety of stitches and shaping that you get with knitting, so I love both arts! :)

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